Lay Hearing Laboratories are dedicated to quality products and services, our goal is supported by an enthusiastic R&D team and professionals. Excellent Quality and Customer Service is a way of life at Lay Hearing.

Why we are Best

Quality & Commitment at Every Stage

Our team is dedicated to improving the quality of life for every person who wears a Lay Hearing instrument. We effectively apply our resources to support hearing care professionals and to provide high-tech solutions that meet the hearing and cosmetic preferences of each patient.

  • Privately owned Indian company
  • Leader in Innovation
  • Comprehensive product line to accommodate all hearing loss needs
  • Best of class after sales services

Why choose Layhearing?

Easy Installation

Our Hearing Aids are easy to install because they're made with advanced tech that gives you hustle free lifestyle all along.

Trusted Services

You can trust our services as we have a very rich experience in the field. We are dedicated to make life easier for you.

Empathic Support

We love what we do and we believe in being of service to people, we understand your problem and dedicated to resolve them.

We Provide

Professional Consultation

We provide professional consultation, if you are suffering from any kind of hearing problem, contact us.

OTC Hearing Aids

Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids are available with us which are developed with advanced-tech.

Preventive Care Trainings

We also hold training session to spread awareness about preventiove care for hearing issues.

How do you Get it

It's simple process, follow steps given below:

1. Fix Appointment

Send your query through our website and our executives will contact you to fix an appointment.

2. Order Required Aid

According to your requirement gathered, order your product as per consultant's suggestion.

3. Product Delivery

Fill in your info and get your product delivered at your door step. Installation support covered.